Recent Posts

By | Jul 23, 2007

Yes I have been a bit slack about blogging lately, I have had a lot on. Here is a quick summary of the notable bits. Car …

The Warm Glow of the Sun
The Warm Glow of the Sun
By | Jun 25, 2007

Last week I received an email from Sun asking if I had seen a previous email. The previous email was attached. It almost …

Murray McAllister
Murray McAllister
By | Jun 22, 2007

This week has been a little chaotic for me, so I have been a little slack in posting this. Last weekend Murray …

Member's Areas and wget
Member's Areas and wget
By | Jun 07, 2007

Earlier this evening I was discussing mirroring restricted areas of sites with wget on #ubuntu-au. The solution is …

Yamakasi and Maccas
Yamakasi and Maccas
By | Jun 03, 2007

Some time ago I watched a documentary on Yamakasi, which was shown here on SBS TV. SBS’s press release gives a …

The Disruption Caused by Blackouts
The Disruption Caused by Blackouts
By | May 30, 2007

In the last 6 months I have endured 2 blackouts at home (which is also my office). Yesterday’s was about 13 hours …