Recent Posts

Drupal, We Need To Talk
Drupal, We Need To Talk
By | Apr 19, 2017

Update 21 April: I’ve published a followup post with details of the BoF to be held at DrupalCon Baltimore on …

Remote Presentations
Remote Presentations
By | Apr 06, 2017

Living in the middle of nowhere and working most of my hours in the evenings I have few opportunities to attend events …

The Road to DrupalCon Dublin
The Road to DrupalCon Dublin
By | Sep 17, 2016

DrupalCon Dublin is just around the corner. Earlier today I started my journey to Dublin. This week I’ll be in …

Per Environment Config in Drupal 8
Per Environment Config in Drupal 8
By | Jan 25, 2016

One of the biggest improvements in Drupal 8 is the new configuration management system. Config is now decoupled from …

Leaking Information in Drupal URLs
Leaking Information in Drupal URLs
By | May 15, 2015

Update: It turns out the DA was trolling. We all now know that DrupalCon North America 2016 will be in New Orleans. …

Managing Variables in Drupal 7
Managing Variables in Drupal 7
By | Apr 13, 2015

A couple of times recently the issue of managing variables in Drupal 7 has come up in conversation with other …